Marc Reichel

IGDB Laravel Wrapper

Laravel-Wrapper for the IGDB API (Apicalypse) including webhook handling.

Where clauses

Simple where clause

use MarcReichel\IGDBLaravel\Models\Game;
$games = Game::where('first_release_date', '>=', now()->subMonth())

Please note: Carbon objects are supported since v3.4.0.

For convenience, if you want to verify that a column is equal to a given value, you may pass the value directly as the second argument to the where method:

use MarcReichel\IGDBLaravel\Models\Game;
$games = Game::where('name', 'Fortnite')->get();
// this is the same as
$games = Game::where('name', '=', 'Fortnite')->get();

OR statements

You may chain where constraints together as well as add or clauses to the query. The orWhere method accepts the same arguments as the where method:

use MarcReichel\IGDBLaravel\Models\Game;
$games = Game::where('name', 'Fortnite')
->orWhere('name', 'Borderlands 2')

Additional Where Clauses


The whereBetween method verifies that a fields's value is between two values:

use MarcReichel\IGDBLaravel\Models\Game;
$games = Game::whereBetween('first_release_date', now()->subYear(), now())

Please note: Carbon objects are supported since v3.4.0.


The whereNotBetween method verifies that a field's value lies outside of two values:

use MarcReichel\IGDBLaravel\Models\Game;
$games = Game::whereNotBetween('first_release_date', now()->subYear(), now())

Please note: Carbon objects are supported since v3.4.0.


The whereIn method verifies that a given field's value is contained within the given array:

use MarcReichel\IGDBLaravel\Models\Game;
$games = Game::whereIn('category', [0,4])->get();


The whereNotIn method verifies that the given field's value is not contained in the given array:

use MarcReichel\IGDBLaravel\Models\Game;
$games = Game::whereNotIn('category', [0,4])->get();

whereInAll / whereNotInAll / whereInExact / whereNotInExact

Alternatively you could use one of these methods to match against all or exactly the given array.


The whereNull method verifies that the value of the given field is NULL:

use MarcReichel\IGDBLaravel\Models\Game;
$games = Game::whereNull('first_release_date')->get();


The whereNotNull method verifies that the field's value is not NULL:

use MarcReichel\IGDBLaravel\Models\Game;
$games = Game::whereNotNull('first_release_date')->get();


The whereDate method may be used to compare a field's value against a date:

use MarcReichel\IGDBLaravel\Models\Game;
$games = Game::whereDate('first_release_date', '2019-01-01')


The whereYear method may be used to compare a fields's value against a specific year:

use MarcReichel\IGDBLaravel\Models\Game;
$games = Game::whereYear('first_release_date', 2019)

whereHas / whereHasNot

These methods have the same syntax as whereNull and whereNotNull and literally do the exact same thing.

Parameter Grouping

use MarcReichel\IGDBLaravel\Models\Game;
$games = Game::where('name', 'Fortnite')
->orWhere(function($query) {
$query->where('aggregated_rating', '>=', 90)
->where('aggregated_rating_count', '>=', 3000);