Marc Reichel

Laravel Fathom

Unofficial Laravel wrapper for the Fathom Analytics API.


Please note: This package is still a work in progress and the Fathom API is also only in early access. Do not use this package in your production environment (yet).

You can install this package via composer:

composer require marcreichel/laravel-fathom

The package will automatically register its service provider.

To publish the config file to config/fathom.php run:

php artisan fathom:install

Default content of config/fathom.php:

return [
* Your Fathom API token
'api_token' => env('FATHOM_API_TOKEN'),
* The site ID to use for tracking
'site_id' => env('FATHOM_SITE_ID'),
* Tracking code domain
'domain' => env('FATHOM_DOMAIN', ''),
* Honor Do Not Track
'honor_dnt' => env('FATHOM_HONOR_DNT', false),
* Disable automatic tracking
'disable_auto_tracking' => env('FATHOM_DISABLE_AUTO_TRACKING', false),
* Ignore canonical links
'ignore_canonicals' => env('FATHOM_IGNORE_CANONICALS', false),
* Excluded domains
'excluded_domains' => env('FATHOM_EXCLUDED_DOMAINS'),
* Included domains
'included_domains' => env('FATHOM_INCLUDED_DOMAINS'),
* Single Page Application Mode
'spa_mode' => env('FATHOM_SPA_MODE'),