Marc Reichel

2021 Recap

2021 was an exciting and busy year for me.

· 4 min read

2021 slowly comes to an end, and I want to take that opportunity to look back at what happened in my life this year.

COVID-19 is still here — yeah … But thankfully it did not have too much influence on my life or the life of my friends and family. I got my two vaccinations and just this week I got the third vaccination. So my question: Do I have superpowers now? Jokes aside — I really hope we will get some normality back in the coming year 2022. Right now it more likely feels like we are running in circles to be honest.

Nevertheless, 2021 was quite a busy year for me, and it happened a lot. Literally.

In April, I got self-employed as a software developer on a part-time basis. It was a huge step for me because you have to consider a lot of things when starting a business in Germany. Do I want to take that “risk” or stay in my comfort zone of a secure job as an employed software developer? I decided to take that step into the “unknown” and started my business in April this year. I think doing this on a part-time basis is a good choice as you always have the security of the full time job, and you do not fully depend on making good profit you have to live from. This way I can explore the possibilities of my own business in my very own pace.

In June/July I also decided to quit my current full time job as a frontend developer after nearly 4 years because the values of the company, and the values that are important for me drifted apart too much over time. I looked for a new job and had job interviews with multiple companies that did not fit my “needs” well. After approximately 1-2 months I found a new company, signed the contract, quit my current job, and now I'm very excited to start working there starting January 3rd 2022 as a Senior Software Developer! Stay tuned as I will definitely post about my new job here and there in the coming months.

This year my girlfriend and I also decided to take the next step and move together — which we did this month. Over the past weeks and months we bought a ton of things for our apartment in order to make it comfy, and our very own — which we “finished” last week finally. The only thing missing for now is some kind of chill area/outdoor couch for our balcony. But this project we will tackle in the coming spring/summer season.

Besides my “private” life I also released a few versions with exciting new features of my igdb-laravel package. I published two completely new packages: laravel-fathom and apple-tv-card. And I uploaded two experimental or showcase projects: css-rubiks-cube and apple-tv. I launched three websites: for a client of mine, also for a client of mine, and my own new website you're currently viewing.

That was it I think. My 2021.

All that is left to say for me is: Stay healthy, have a merry Christmas with your families, and I'm excited what 2022 has to offer.

merry christmas

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